Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
Swerve really had me on the edge of my seat from the start so if you like fast-paced, dark, thrillers then check-it out. It's basically one sick treasure hunt through the Mojave desert crafted by a madman. The heroine of the book though will have you pulling out your hair. She really does some of the stupidest things which makes it hard to feel sympathetic for her. There were times when I wished I could reach in the book and just smack her. That's really how irritating she is. If you can put up with her antics though, it is worth it and she does redeem herself at the end. Pettersson also throws in a nice curve you don't want to miss!
**I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review! Thanks NetGalley!