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Hooked on Books

Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens.  -Empress Reece

Currently reading

Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea
Steven Callahan
Subhuman (A Unit 51 Novel)
Michael McBride
Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)
Sara Gorman
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie
Kathryn Harkup
Progress: 3 %

How does he do it??

Badlands - C.J. Box

If I could ask C.J. Box one question, that would be it; How does he do it?? How does he consistently produce 5-star rock solid novels every time?? So o.k. I'm a huge fan! I've read every book Box has written, including his latest Badlands and he has not failed to deliver yet. I would say he is at the top of his game but he has never been off of it! I know there have been some critical reviews of his novel, The Highway, but I liked it too. Yes, it was a little different and a little more graphic then his usual novels but it was still excellent, solid writing! Different is good! That's actually one thing I really like about Box- all of the books in each of his series are unique. You know how, when you read a series that some authors have written and by the 5th book you can tell exactly how its going to open, you know exactly what the back-story is going to say and what chapter the murder is going to occur etc. With the exception of a change in a few characters and different plot, everything else is the same. It's like they rehash the same outline for every book in their series. Well that is absolutely NOT the case with C.J. Box! Every book of his, has its own individual style. I don't mean that they are "all" stand-alone. That's not the case. He does have three different series (Joe Pickett, Cody Hoyt & Cassie Dewell) and you should definitely read them in order but you won't find the same stuff rehashed time and time again in each of them. You get a different 5-star experience with each one, which is exactly how it should be. So check out Box today especially if you like your mysteries and thrillers set in the mountains, wilderness and back country! You can't go wrong with whichever series you choose.