Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
There are a lot of fictional characters that I really like but Agent Aloysius Pendergast and Constance Greene are right up there at the top of my favorites list along with Sherlock Holmes; Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devin; Sebastian Gage; and last but certainly not least Amelia Peabody, Emerson, Ramses & the rest of the crew - just to name a few. As for Pendergast though, I just love how he instigates people and then makes them look completely stupid. It's so hilarious! Constance can carry her own too. She seems to be learning from the best.
I hate to say it but even though I loved the characters in this one, the story was not one of my favorites. It was still a solid effort and I enjoyed it but I like some of the other books in the series a whole lot more. I think I enjoyed the last quarter of the book, that had the most action in it, the best. I wasn't expecting the cliffhanger and twist at the end but I can't wait to see where it goes. It sucks though having to wait 6 months or year, however long, for the next release though. : (