"I am where dead children go." ....3.5 stars
When I first started reading this, I didn't think I was going to like it at all. I think because the POV alternates from 1st to 3rd it was a little awkward reading at first, but once I got use to it, I started getting into the story more. There were times though even toward the end, that I wasn't sure who was speaking at first because there wasn't any break really to announce transition.
The story itself is basically about possession and one of the main characters, Okiku, is based off of an old Japanese ghost story. The characters (and ghosts) also travel to Japan so I really did enjoy learning about some of the Japanese traditions and seeing the culture in play throughout the story. Was it very scary? No, not really. There were a few suspenseful parts but I didn't have to leave the lights on or anything. : ) If you like ghost stories or stories about possession, I would say give it a try. I am going to read the next book, The Suffering, because I did like the characters a lot too, especially Okiku, Tarquin and Callie and would like to see what happens with them.