I listened to the audio version and I have to say it was better then Haunted and Bone Deep but still had issues. After listening to those two books, i was prepared to be dissapointed again. It seems White is trying to change his writing style or make it more complex and its not working. There were many times when it was really hard to follow the dialogue and keep track of who's who especially at the beginning. After about half way through the story finally started coming together but it still was not his best. Also, I didnt care for the ending. I felt like there were alot of loose ends that never got tied up. We never heard what happened to Tomlinson, where did the letters go, who killed the mistress etc. Also, the story made it sound like the "Castro's mistress" killed Vernon at first, then it said she had been dead for a couple days so I never did understand that??? Anyways, White needs to stick to the formula that was working, because these last few books have not worked for me.