Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
Well this was one book I didn't make it through without cussing and yelling; which it is a good thing that Meyers can provoke feelings like that from her characters. That's fabulous character development but damn I hated almost all of them in this book. Queen Levana is a nut-case, her sister Queen Channary is another evil nut-case, Sybil Mira is a power hungry bitch, the retired Royal Guard Hadden was another fool. The whole Lunar Court is just a disaster and they're like the looney Lunar sisters from hell. It's too bad they didn't just kill each other and save everyone else the trouble. It was really a hard book to listen to because they just drove me insane. I'm so glad it's over and it stopped where it did because I know Queen Levana is going to treat Winter like shit too and I just couldn't handle any more of her evilness at the moment.