Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
Nyctophobia - defined as the "extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darkness"
Nyctophobia is a haunted house/ghost story. It's about a newly married family that moves into Hyperion House, a new house they just bought in Southern Spain.
"There are two things you need to know about haunted houses.
One, there's never been an actual authenticated haunted house.
Two, it's not the house that's haunted,
but the person."
The first three quarters of this book was fantastic! Fowler really nails the creepy, gothic atmosphere, the secluded old house on a cliff and the quirky and sinister characters.
Then we get to the end...It was not only pretty hooky but it was also left open for the readers to figure out. Since I absolutely despise open, ambiguous endings, that just kind of ruined the story for me. Tsk tsk tsk Authors, I really don't want to try to figure out for the next three weeks what happened and I don't want to make up my own ending. I look at it like, that's your job. I just want to read it! I do realize some people like open endings so I think we need like a caution sticker on the front of books! Buyer Beware: If you are prone to increased blood pressure and violent tendencies caused by open endings then do not read this book! Yes I think that is definitely what I need. : )
Now if you are the type that doesn't mind an ambiguous ending, then I would definitely recommend this book for you because other then that, it really was a fantastic haunted house story.