Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
Wow I wish I had some of the Young Elites' powers! They've got Gemma the Windwalker who can summon the wind which is really cool. Star Thief can control and talk to animals. Enzo can control fire. Dante aka Spider can see where others can not or something like that but he's an ass anyways so who cares...
Now Raffaele though, aka the Messenger is a different story. He's the shit! He has the power to manipulate a person's energy so he can basically make them feel however he wants them to, which is how he has everyone doing his bidding and falling at his feet in love with him! : ) Now that's what I'm talking about! : ) I'd take that power any day. LoL
As for the story, when I first started reading it I didn't know if I was going to like it or not but once I got past the beginning introduction about Adelina, one of the main characters and more into the story about all of the Elites it reeled me right it. I really enjoyed the characters and the magic elements that were in play. I did however feel like there were several plot points that were forced just to make the story go the direction the author wanted it. They just didn't seem to come naturally with the storyline but overall it was a quick, fun story. The author threw a huge curve at the end though that I didn't really expect to play out that way. I'm still shocked by it and wish I had the next book on hand already to see what happens from here. If you're thinking about reading this series, I would definitely go ahead and get at least the first two books together for sure.