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Hooked on Books

Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens.  -Empress Reece

Currently reading

Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea
Steven Callahan
Subhuman (A Unit 51 Novel)
Michael McBride
Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)
Sara Gorman
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie
Kathryn Harkup
Progress: 3 %

Summer Book Bingo -Updates 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 & Blacked Out!

— feeling terminator

In this update, I've completed 5 more bingo squares & blacked out my card- Yay!


For my 'Graphic Novel or Comic Book' square,

I chose Who are the Mystery Men by David Liss- It features pulp-era

characters in Marvel continuity. I'm not a big reader of comic books but I actually liked it.


For my 'Read on Vacation' square,

I chose Ezekiel Boone's The Hatching- It was absolutely fantastic! Well the

vacation actually came to us- we had a "stay-cation" as they say.

Some of our out-of-town relatives & friends stayed for about

two weeks for the July 4th holiday. We did do a day trip out-of-state

one day but for the most part we hung out by the pool and the lake.


For my 'Adapted for the Big Screen' square,

I read Rick Yancey's The Last Star- It's the third book in

The Fifth Wave series which has been Adapted for the big screen.


For my 'Book by a Dead Author' square,

I read The Golden One by Elizabeth Peters- She is one 

of my favorite authors and I wish she was still around to share her

amazing talent & stories. She'll be remembered for years to come I hope!


For my 'Book with a Terrible Cover' square,

I actually had the perfect book for this square but haven't brought myself to

read it yet so I'm substituting another book I read, The Levee by Michael McDowell.

It's creepy and kind of ugly but the other book has it beat by a long-shot. I can't put off reading/reviewing it much longer though so hopefully I can use it for Halloween Bingo.





1. Beach, Sand or Sun on Cover : Boar Island by Nevada Barr

2. New To You Author: Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel

3. First Book of a New Series: The Amber Project by J.N. Chaney

4. Adapted for the Big Screen: The Last Star by Rick Yancey

5. A Blast From the Past-Historical Fiction: Brooklyn on Fire by Lawrence H. Levy

6. Graphic Novel or Comic Book: Who are the Mystery Men by David Liss

7. Published June, July or August: Summit by Harry Farthing

8. Comfort Read: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware

9. Read in a Boat, Tent or Cabin: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

10. A Book That's Been on Your Shelf for Over a Year: Dark Matter by Michelle Paver

11. Romance: The Hunt by Megan Shepherd

12. A Book by a Dead Author: The Golden One by Elizabeth Peters

13.       *Free Space*

14. Summer Word in the Title: Ice Station Nautilus by Rick Campbell

15. A Hard Book: In the Hope of Memories by Olivia Rivers

16. Travel-Trains, Planes or Road Trips:  Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin

17. Mystery or Suspense: Silence for the Dead by Simone St. James 

18. Book Bust or Bummer: Remember You by Yrsa Sigurđardóttir  

19. More Than 400 Pages Long: Darker Shade of Sorcery by William Collins

20. Favorite Re-Read: Thirteen at Dinner by Agatha Christie

21. YA or Children's Title: Click Here to Start by Denis Markell

22. Space Opera or Other Sci-Fi: Extinction Edge by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

23. Read on Vacation: The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone

24. A Book with a Terrible Cover: The Levee by Michael McDowell

25. Fantasy: Bookburners: Season One-Episode 2 by Brian Francis Slattery



Hosted By: Moonlight Reader