Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens. -Empress Reece
I'm a huge Will Robie fan and I always listen to the audio because Ron McClarty and Orlagh Cassidy always put on a fantastic performance, so I was really nervous to see The Guilty had a different male narrator, Kyf Brewer. Now he didn't 'wow' me like Ron does but he did a really good job which is saying a lot considering he had some pretty big shoes to fill.
In the previous book, The Target, we got to learn about Jessica Reel's past and family ties. Well in this book, we visit Robie's hometown of Cantrell, Mississippi and learn more about his family and childhood, much to my satisfaction. : ) His dad has not only been accused of murder but Robie has some issues to work out with his last mission.
As always is the case when Will and Jessica are involved, there is lots of action, a high death count and numerous surprise twists. If you're in the mood for a high octane thriler, this is a great series to try and if you like audiobooks -Go for the Audio!! You won't be disappointed!