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Subhuman (A Unit 51 Novel)
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A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie
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Pendergast Series Book #16- Diogenes...

The Obsidian Chamber (Agent Pendergast series) - Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child

I absolutely love this series but this is the first book that didn't really grab me like the others. If you're familiar with this series and characters then you know Aloysius brother' Diogenes usually plays the bad guy role. In this book, he is supposedly turning over a new leaf and he has not only fallen in love with Constance but is giving up his bad boy ways.


I don't think I quite like this "new and improved" version. I just don't buy it so it was hard for me to reconcile this new personality with the evil person that has always committed such heinous acts. Plus Aloysius and Constance have been so set on finally just being done with him that what they did at the end, 


let him go, 

(show spoiler)

did not ring true to me at all. It felt totally contrived to keep Diogenes in the picture for a little while longer.


So this was definitely not one of my favorites but I am doubly curious now to see what the next book brings. I just hope it's better then this one!


*I received this book from NetGalley & Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! 



Professional Reader Reviews Published 2016 NetGalley Challenge