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Hooked on Books

Avid Multi-Genre Reader. Lover of Books with Unique Settings. Audiobook Fanatic. Sweet Tea Addict. Mom of Two Boys & Mistress of Two Very Energetic Black Kittens.  -Empress Reece

Currently reading

Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea
Steven Callahan
Subhuman (A Unit 51 Novel)
Michael McBride
Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)
Sara Gorman
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie
Kathryn Harkup
Progress: 3 %

Girl on the Moon

Girl on the Moon - Jack McDonald Burnett Wow this book really packed a lot of material into it's 372 pages. There were a few times I thought it must be at least 600 pages because of how much happened in it. It was a good thing though because I wasn't quite ready for it to end.
If you enjoy space exploration you should give it a try. In most books, they only make one trip into space but in this book, we got to experience- four? five? six? I lost count but it was quite a few which was fantastic since those are usually my favorite parts!